
국민의 건강과 외상학의 발전을 위해 노력하는
대한외상학회 입니다.


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    [대한신경손상학회] 제2차 Neurotrauma Foc...

    • 서울성모병원 본관 지하1층 대강당
    • 일시 : 2019-01-26~
    • 행사명 : [대한신경손상학회] 제2차 Neurotrauma Foc...
    • 장소 : 서울성모병원 본관 지하1층 대강당
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    2019-04-04 ~ 2019-04-06

    2019년 제7차 환태평양 국제외상학술대회(7th Pa...

    • 경기도 성남시 (밀리토피아호텔)
    • 일시 : 2019-04-04~2019-04-06
    • 행사명 : 2019년 제7차 환태평양 국제외상학술대회(7th Pa...
    • 장소 : 경기도 성남시 (밀리토피아호텔)
  • old

    2019-04-04 ~ 2019-04-06

    2019년 대한외상학회 제7회 환태평양 국제외상학술대회 (7th Pan-Pacific Trauma Congress 2019 Korea)

    • 밀리토피아호텔 (성남)
    • 대한외상학회
    • TEL : 010-5552-2653 / E-mail : trauma@kams.or.kr
    • 일시 : 2019-04-04~2019-04-06
    • 행사명 : 2019년 대한외상학회 제7회 환태평양 국제외상학술대회 (7th Pan-Pacific Trauma Congress 2019 Korea)
    • 장소 : 밀리토피아호텔 (성남)
    • 담당자 : 대한외상학회
    • 연락처 : TEL : 010-5552-2653 / E-mail : trauma@kams.or.kr

      5 April Fri

      TIMEGrand Ballroom (2nd Floor)TIMEFortress (1st Floor)
      08:45~09:00Opening Ceremony
      Opening Address :
      Hyun Min Cho (Chairman, Board of Directors of KST)
      Congratulatory Address :
      Sung Hyuk Choi (President of KST)
      Congratulatory Address :
      Woong Seog (Armed Forces Medical Commander, Korea)
      Congratulatory Address :
      Akio Kimura (CEO, Board of Directors of JAST)
      09:00~10:00Session I : Military Session (Oral 1)09:00~10:00Session II : Paramedic Session (Education 1)
      Session director : Giho Moon (Armed Forces Capital Hospital, Korea)Session director : Jundong Moon (Kongju National University, Korea)
      Moderator 1 : Ki Chul Park (Hanyang Universty, Korea)Moderator 1 : Beomman Ha (Armed Forces Medical Command, Korea)
      Moderator 2 : Seung Hwan Pyun (Armed Forces Medical Command, Korea)Moderator 2 : Younghoon Yoon (Korea University, Korea)
      Introduction of military EMS development
      Daehyun Kang (Armed Forces Capital Hospital, Korea)
      09:00~09:15Fluid resuscitation and shock management
      Eunjoo Kwag (Daewon University, Korea)
      1- 2
      Pentrating abdominal injury
      Hojun Lee (Armed Forces Capital Hospital, Korea)
      09:15~09:30Revised GCS and traumatic brain injury
      Sieun Park (Donggang University, Korea)
      1- 3
      Traumatic lower extremity amputation
      Giho Moon (Armed Forces Capital Hospital, Korea)
      09:30~09:45Spinal motion restriction and transfer to definite care
      Anjie Yoo (United States Forces, Korea)
      Epidemiology of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury in Korean Military
      Jeong-Gil Kim (Armed Forces Daejeon Hospital, Korea)
      09:45~10:00Traumatic cardiac arrest
      Jundong Moon (Kongju National University, Korea)
      10:00~11:00 Plenary Session I (English session) : Beyond Trauma (I) 
      Session director : Young Ho Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
      Moderator 1 : Hyun Min Cho (Pusan National University, Korea)
      Moderator 2: Choi Byung Seop (Headquarters of ROK Army, Korea)
      10:00~10:20 What will happen in the future of the korean society of traumatology
      Sung Hyuk Choi (President of KST)
      10:20~10:40 Vision of Military Aeromedical Evacuation
      Jong Ha Moon (Armed Forces Medical Command, Korea)
      10:40~11:00 Perspective for qualification of trauma expert in Japan
      Akio Kimura (CEO, Board of Directors of JAST)
      11:00~11:30Coffee Break / Poster-Oral Presentation11:00~11:30Coffee Break / Poster-Oral Presentation
      11:30~12:30 Plenary Session II (English session): Beyond Trauma (II) 
      Session director : Young Ho Lee (Seoul National University, Korea)
      Moderator 1 : Kang Hyun Lee (Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine, Korea)
      Moderator 2 : Chang Won Kim (Pusan National University, Korea)
      11:30~12:00 Non-incremental innovation for combat casualty care: Manned and Unmanned Evacuation for Polytrauma Treated with Point-of-need Mobile Heparin-free Extracorporeal Life Support
      Andriy I Batchinsky (The Geneva Foundation / US Army Institute of Surgical Research)
      12:00~12:30 Trauma management system in USA
      Andre Uflacker (University of Virginia, USA)
    • 첨부파일 : 2019_PPTC (2).zip
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    [외상·중환자 간호교육] 11th NICE (Nurse...

    • 단국대학교병원 5층 대강당
    • 일시 : 2019-08-19~
    • 행사명 : [외상·중환자 간호교육] 11th NICE (Nurse...
    • 장소 : 단국대학교병원 5층 대강당
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    [원주세브란스기독병원] 2019년 권역외상센터 심포지엄 개최 안내

    • 원주세브란스기독병원 외래센터 7층 대회의실
    • 일시 : 2019-09-27~
    • 행사명 : [원주세브란스기독병원] 2019년 권역외상센터 심포지엄 개최 안내
    • 장소 : 원주세브란스기독병원 외래센터 7층 대회의실

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    2019년 제6회 외상술기교육연구학회 학술대회안내

    • 고대구로병원 새롬교육관
    • 일시 : 2019-11-15~
    • 행사명 : 2019년 제6회 외상술기교육연구학회 학술대회안내
    • 장소 : 고대구로병원 새롬교육관

